Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Victoria Lost Her First Tooth!

Well, it’s about time! I thought she was never going to lose a tooth!

Here’s how it happened:

A couple of weeks ago, she comes home from school and says a friend was looking in her mouth and said she’s going to need surgery. First, what was her friend doing in her mouth? And second, what kind of surgery?

Much to my surprise, when I looked in her mouth I saw not 2 but 4 teeth on the bottom! Her front bottom teeth were still there, but so were the permanent teeth coming behind!

(A call to the dentist assured me that it would be ok and that the permanent teeth would push the baby teeth out.)

For the last 2 weeks, she’s been wiggling and playing with her teeth. One has been very loose and I knew it wouldn’t be long before we would be having a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

Last night she was begging us to pull it out with a string tied to a door like we saw on America’s Funniest Videos a week ago. We convinced her to wait one more night. So tonight, as soon as Daddy got home, we told her we would pull that tooth.

We got the video camera set up and some string. We tied the string to her tooth, hit Record, counted to 3 and slammed the door! Nothing. The string came off. So I turned off the camera and tried to get the string back on her very wiggly tooth.

Finally, I said, “Are you ready?” Slam! I swung the door without any warning for her! We thought the string came off again, but then she said, “Wait, it’s gone!” The tooth was out…now we just had to find it. After all four of us searching around the floor, we found it! She is so excited!

Too bad the camera was off!

Let’s just hope the Tooth Fairy has some money tonight.


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