Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break 2010

The kids are on Spring Break for the next 8 days – Ugh! um, I mean Yeay! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy sleeping in just as much as the next guy, but I can’t help freaking out about what we’re going to do all week.

Victoria and I spent about 3 hours this afternoon making Easter cards for Grandma, Papa, Aunt Amy and Uncle Dan. Yes, I said 3 hours for 4 cards. They’d better appreciate them, too – they cost me about 30 bucks in scrapbooking supplies! And the best part is, tomorrow Alex wants to make his own! Anyway, she had fun and the cards really are cute.

So that took care of today – now I just need to come up with 8 more days’ worth of fun that both Victoria and Alex will enjoy.

Tomorrow we’re going to the library. We need to return the 15 or so books and movies that we took out last week and I have to pick up some books on reserve for me. That ought to take at least an hour – longer if they spot the Sponge Bob DVDs. We’re actually in the middle of a Sponge Bob boycott again. I find that I have to ban the show every once in a while until I can beat the kids back into shape. Then I give in and let them watch it again. I know it’s not the perfect parenting plan, but if it works……

Maybe I’ll try to convince them that Spring Break is really just a fun way of saying Spring Cleaning! Yeah, right. Anyway, I don’t think we’re quite ready to trade in the long underwear for shorts and swimsuits yet. Perhaps by 4th of July!

The weather is supposed to be beautiful by mid-week – a welcome change after the cold blast and surprising snow we had last week. While I’m thinking of it, check out my new weather widget to the left!

At least the kids can go outside and get some fresh air for a change. Maybe we can try to lose the training wheels on their bikes this week. Neither of my kids has the slightest sense of urgency to ride solo, even though there are younger kids in the neighborhood who were riding without training wheels by the end of last summer! All in due time, I guess. Do you think the other kids will laugh if they still have training wheels in high school?

Anyway, I’m looking forward to having the kids at home, and not running back and forth to the school 4 times a day! Suggestions for fun (and inexpensive) Spring Break activities for the kids are welcome. I may not make through the week on my own!


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