Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello out there! Newbie blogger on board!

Well, I've finally taken the plunge into the blogosphere! My first post on my first blog. After all of the time, thought and research put into taking this step, there should have been some fanfare to my grand entrance...but, no, it's just me at the computer, kids playing in the background with Daddy, dishes in the sink from supper -- just another day.

I am, however, very excited to start my blog! I have a lot of great ideas I need to put somewhere - anywhere - and this seemed like the logical place to start. I've been dabbling in freelance writing for about the last month, and I would like to have a forum for comments and constructive criticism on my efforts.

Over the next several months, I hope this blog accomplishes the following:

  • showcases my writing, allowing for comments and critiques to improve my writing skills
  • offers a place to chronicle the day-to-day escapades of our family, including photos to keep family members up-to-date
  • provides a place to share my thoughts on current events, anything from American Idol to the new federal health care program
  • allows me to achieve work/life balance - a place to celebrate my family while maintaining a professional identity

Thanks for reading...come back soon!


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