After posting about Alex's birthday party, and seeing my comment, "It's hard to believe my baby is 5 years old", it reminded me of a funny thing that happened on my last birthday.
We were at Grandma & Papa's for Thanksgiving. My birthday is also Thanksgiving weekend, so we always celebrate my birthday along with my husband's and sister's who are also in November. We were sitting around talking and my mom said, innocently enough, "I can't believe my baby is 43 years old."
Well, by the looks on my kids' faces, you would have thought she said there was no Santa Claus! They looked at me and said, "Mommy! You said you were 29!" I tried to convince them that Grandma was lying, but to no avail. Lots of debate followed, and the result was that I was busted. For 7 years, I had my kids believing I was 29 every year.
Alex had even had a conversation on this very subject with our babysitter, Theresa, earlier that week. When I picked him up, Theresa informed me that Alex told her, "My mom is 29 and my dad is 46." Theresa who, by the way, graduated high school with me, never missed a beat. She said, "Really? So am I!" So the lie was perpetuated.
Until Grandma blew it.
I tried to backpedal and convince them that some women, did in fact stay the same age while the men just kept getting older. No luck. The jig was up.
So now my kids take every opportunity to tell everyone they meet that their mom is really 43 even though she tried to tell them she was 29.
I wonder how long I can stay 43?
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